I often wonder why we humans complain so much about the weather. We can't stand the heat; we can't stand the cold. Always in search of absolute comfort, we find ourselves continually longing for that golden middle.  It may...
It seems like the major movements in the past years have all been related to the request for freedom. Free the Nipple, Break Free From Plastic, Freedom of speech. Should we be surprised or should we finally admit that we...
In the world of mainstream vehicles, luxury cars stand out with their unique, high-quality features. They are a sign of high class with looks and traits to prove it. And yet, this luxury car definition remains rather vague, especially...
Here is some good news – the world is getting greener! Maybe not fast enough, but definitely faster than ever before. And interestingly enough, one car manufacturer has had a big role in that. The idea of green vehicles has...
If you are struggling with the pronunciation of the title, you are not alone. It took us a while to get it right, too. But once we did, we couldn’t stop repeating it. And no wonder why – this...
The gender gap across industries has become quite a trending topic in the past few years. Women have been underrepresented in most industries: from finance and business operations to construction and engineering. It is no surprise that...
When we are not gazing at the future trying to figure out what is to come, we like to take a look at the past. So between all those articles about new and shiny stuff, I decided to squeeze...
Do you know what car companies are good at? Dividing their fanbases with subsequent model generations. While some folks embrace the changes with each new version, others lament over the model’s lost character. Today’s vehicle of focus makes that abundantly...
A few years ago, finding six best EVs to buy would have been nearly impossible. Production costs were high; the market demand was low; hence, investing resources into electric vehicles did not seem like a smart business decision. Moreover,...
Once the quintessential family car, now the van sits in an awkward place between the sedan and the SUV. The so-called multi-purpose vehicles (MPV) have even been lumped into the same category as pickup trucks in market reports. Does...
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