If you take a look at the American auto industry in its entirety, you can notice very interesting trends. But for auto enthusiasts who like sporty vehicles, there are only two categories – muscle and speed. And when it...
From NASCAR to the World Rally Championship, races have been a part of the car culture since its dawn. And while not every car enthusiast drools over racing sports, everyone should have respect for rally drivers.
If you take one quick look at people’s opinions about cars, one thing will become clear. Most of us believe that classic car design was a form of art. From the slick looks of old luxury cars to the...
The world has known many great vehicles throughout the years. A lot of countries have shown us that building cars is a form of collective art. But Germany is one of the places that does not have only one...
Regardless of where you stand on the public opinion spectrum, it appears self-driving cars will definitely be a thing. However, with all the fuss about them, we often miss half the actual picture. Even worse – some...
In business, there has always been the notion that no product is bigger than its marketing. Not only do people have to know about it, they also have to want it. In other words – you need your consumers'...
If there is one automotive thing Americans love, this would be our giant vehicles. When SUVs became a thing they took the market by storm. Some may even say they have marked the end of the American sedan. But...
It’s almost the end of 2019, so naturally, we are inclined to look back at what has happened in the year so far. There is no surprise that political and economic events are the most common fields of discussion....
Back in the day, the automotive industry gained notoriety for spewing out model after model. This was understandable, as the market was still fairly new and evolving. So, as time passed, some models got swept away. They became just...
What is your first memory? Try to remember. I for one, remember my brother’s happy face when he first received a red toy car. And he kept complaining that the car wasn’t big enough. What was I...
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